Malmesbury Town Council has welcomed four new faces following last week's election, including 21-year-old Libby Davis.

Miss Davis, of West Street, whose mum Ann was re-elected to the council, will be the youngest member.

Chairman of the town's carnival committee Steve Cox has also been elected to the council.

He is joined by fellow new members Simon Killane, of the White Lion Recreation Association, and former abbey verger Bill Blake.

The only incumbent councillor to lose his seat at the election was Glyn Davies, leaving the 16-seat council with a similar make-up to the previous one.

Edmund Dias, former mayor Jacky Martin and Eleanor Thomas all decided not to stand for re-election.

Miss Davis said she felt it was important to have a bridge between young people in the town and the council.

"I am absolutely ecstatic and I hope to make a difference," she said.

"I hope to get involved with Malmesbury School and gather students' opinions on what they want to change in the town, so we get more communication between young people and the council."

Mrs Davis said it was a wonderful moment to see her daughter elected.

"I am extremely proud of my daughter and we are both very glad to be elected," she said.

"Although Libby is young, she is very aware and is not naive at all and I think she is going to make a real difference."

Mr Cox, who was elected despite the ballot paper stating his name as Stewart, said: "I was very pleased and I am looking forward to the job and trying to do some good things. I decided to stand because I thought there should be an election.

"The last couple of times there hasn't been one and it's healthy to have an election and it stimulates issues in the town."

Mr Killane said: "I hope I can make a positive input into improving things in the town and making it a better place to live."

He said he was particularly keen to push through environmental projects and schemes.