Chippenham Harriers have put together a training plan for beginners to run in the Gazette-backed Chippenham half marathon this September.

To ensure you get the most out of the training plan follow the guidelines, do not do too much to soon and at the first sign of an injury stop training and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

It is easier to train with a friend or a club it's a lot more enjoyable and training with other people helps motivate you to get out the door when it's wet and windy.

advertisement The first four weeks are designed to allow you to build up to a level where your body becomes used to the running action and allowing muscles ligaments tendons and bones realise that something strange is happening to the body, this will allow them time to adapt ready for longer mileage.

Always have a gentle stretch of all the main muscle groups that have been used after each session.

Never stretch before running this stretches cold muscles and could cause an injury.

Week One Monday: Rest day.

Tuesday: 5 minutes power walk, 7 mins jog, 3mins walk.

Wednesday: Rest day.

Thursday: 5 minutes power walk, 7 mins jog, 3 mins walk.

Friday: Rest day.

Saturday: Rest day.

Sunday: 5-7 mins power walk, 10 mins jog, 5 mins walk.

Week Two Monday: Rest day.

Tuesday: 7 minutes power walk, 15 mins jog, 3 mins walk.

Wednesday: Rest day.

Thursday: 5 mins power walk, 18 mins jog, 3 mins walk.

Friday: Rest day.

Saturday: Rest day.

Sunday: 5-7 mins power walk, 20 mins jog, 5 mins walk.

Week Three Monday: Rest day.

Tuesday: 7 minutes power walk, 18 mins jog, 3mins walk.

Wednesday: Rest day.

Thursday: 7 mins power walk, 23 mins jog, 5 mins walk.

Friday: Rest day.

Saturday: Rest day.

Sunday: 5-7 mins power walk, 30 mins jog, 5 mins walk.

Week Four Monday: Rest day.

Tuesday: 5 minutes power walk, 32 mins jog, 3 mins walk.

Wednesday: Rest day.

Thursday: 3 mins power walk, 35 mins jog, 5 mins walk.

Friday: Rest day.

Saturday: Rest day.

Sunday: 3 mins power walk, 40 mins jog, 5 mins walk.