ALL the money has finally been counted by the runners who took part in the London Marathon for Dorothy House.

Now the hospice is saying a huge thank you and giving people the chance to run next year's event for the charity.

Phillippa Watson from the charity's fundraising department said: "We are thrilled that these individuals have taken the time not only to train so hard for the gruelling event, but also to put so much effort into their fundraising, which is often even harder than running 26.2 miles."

Dorothy House had five Golden Bond places for the 2006 event, but one competitor had to pull out through injury. But this means it has six places available for the 2007 event. If you would like to put your name onto the waiting list for one of these places, please call Phillippa on (01225) 721480.

In 2006, runner James Blaxter raised £1,555.02; Zannah Kearns raised £1,719.80; Pascal Levine raised £1,975.98 and Rupert Heathcote raised £2,013.61.

Every year, the charity also has a number of runners who are able to secure their own place in the London Marathon. In 2006 Jonathan Franz raised £5,77.00, and has also managed to secure a place in the New York Marathon.