TEA parties held to celebrate Dorothy House Hospice Care's 30th birthday have raised more than £8,000 for the Winsley-based charity.

Supporters from right across the area organised afternoon teas and coffee mornings throughout the birthday month of June as part of the popular t@3 event.

It is a fundraising initiative that was started by national charity Help the Hospices and is now in its fourth year.

More than 50 events were held in aid of Dorothy House, including a coffee morning at Seagry Village Hall that raised an amazing £380.

Margaret Thorne from Chippenham enjoyed organising her first Dorothy House coffee morning so much that she held another three weeks later and raised a total of £150.

The women's meeting group at Atworth Chapel raised £43 from their t@3 event, with their annual donation bringing the total up to a very generous £75.