THE Gazette and Herald's campaign to raise £30,000 during Dorothy House Hospice Care's 30th anniversary has had repercussions beyond raising money for a very good cause.

The fundraising team at the charity's Winsley base reports that they are now receiving support from areas where it has been traditionally lower than elsewhere in their catchment area.

Linda Potter and Judy Fruen from Devizes raised £400 at a tea party they held after reading about the Dorothy House t@3 (Tea at Three) campaign.

Mrs Potter and Mrs Fruen held the event at Mrs Potter's home in Broadleas Road on the Sunday before last and, with the help of a raffle, raised the money and presented the cheque at Dorothy House the following Wednesday.

Mrs Potter said: "I am so chuffed we raised so much. Lots of friends and family members made some wonderful cakes and I am so grateful to them.

"Judy and I have both got friends and family who we have lost through cancer or who are fighting cancer at the moment.

"Dorothy House is one of those charities you want to help as much as you can and the Gazette's campaign is doing so much good by bringing it to public attention.

"We would never have thought about holding the tea party if we hadn't read about it in the paper."

The two local women are planning to repeat the tea party next year at Mrs Fruen's home in Drews Park.

Although the total raised by the campaign stands at just under £5,000 at the moment, Katrina Sudbury, head of fundraising at Dorothy House, is confident the £30,000 target will be reached easily by the end of the year.

But she noted that the effect of the campaign went far beyond people writing cheques and sending them in.

She said: "The Gazette and Herald campaign has done a great deal to raise our profile right across the circulation area.

"We've noticed a big increase in donations from North Wiltshire and Devizes - including a very good response to our regular summer appeal.

"We know of a number of people who have been inspired to help by reading about Dorothy House in the Gazette, doing everything from holding t@3 events to running the London Marathon.

"There have been some lovely stories in the paper - our staff and patients look forward to reading about our supporters' efforts and news from the hospice every Thursday.

"Most of our care is provided in people's homes, through our Hospice at Home service and our team of nurse specialists, rather than in the hospice at Winsley.

"We are enormously grateful to the Gazette for campaigning for us in our 30th birthday year - and to the readers for responding so generously."

You, too, can do your bit for Dorothy House, by filling in the coupon on this page and either sending a donation to Dorothy House or telling us about a fundraising event you have planned.

For more information about how to organise an event, contact Dorothy House's fundraising department on (01225) 721480.