OF course we are pleased the new school building in Marlborough will go ahead. It will be another educational asset for Marlborough.

However, it is worrying that the county highways officer ignored the road safety concerns which local residents have voiced for many years.

The traffic risks which caused the town council to refuse the plan in March. Dangers which will increase when the school doubles in size.

The highways officer advised the planning committee that "the development is likely to result in some localised increase in traffic problems around the site, but that these would not be of a level or nature that would warrant refusal of the application".

The present parking arrangements outside the school mean that parents are forced to get out of a car into the road, and get small children out into the road, while parked illegally on double yellow lines, close to a blind corner and on a hill. The county planners seem to think this is quite acceptable and not really risky at all.

I only hope the school governors can get the county to look at this situation again before the first winter after the new school opens.

GORDON HUTT, Ducks Meadow, Marlborough